Saturday, September 4, 2010


This year started off pretty rough for Matt and I. I miscarried in February at 10 weeks, and we were beyond devastated. However, Matt found this song, and even though not everyone believes in the power of music, it really gave us hope.

Although we don't, won't, and can't always understand why some things happen, it's important to remember, even in our lowest times, that God has a plan. This song helped reassure us of that.

God has really blessed us. I am now almost 12 weeks, and we are so excited to finally announce to everyone that, I'M PREGNANT!! :)


  1. Hooray hooray hooray! I hope you start blogging more. :) We need regular belly pics!!

  2. So happy for you guys over again. What a blessing


"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony." Gandhi