Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Becoming a Better Me

Before I had Mason, everyone always told me that motherhood changes you. I never really understood what that meant (obviously- I wasn't a mother yet) until now. While I'm still me, I definitely feel different. I feel like I'm becoming a better me.

Relationships have a whole new meaning and importance to me now. I want to be the best mother, wife, daughter, sister, and friend that I can possibly be. It is not that this wasn't important to me before, it's just magnified now. I have a whole new appreciation for my parents. I don't know how it is possible, but I feel like having M has made my love for them grow ten fold. Nothing compares to a love you have for your child, and now I feel like I really understand them a lot better.

I want to take better care of myself. Before I didn't really care about what I ate or what I was putting into my body. While I definitely still love chips and dip and my huge diet coke, I'm incorporating a lot more fruits and vegetables into what I'm eating, and always looking for ways to make recipes healthier. (Get excited for some yummy recipes to share in the future!) :)

I can honestly say, I am happier than I have ever been. Looking at Mason melts me! Sometimes I just feel drunk, because I'm so happy! I guess that's where the saying love drunk comes from?

I used to think there were major steps in life to look forward to... graduating high school, graduating college, getting married, buying a house, having kids. As silly and very weird as this sounds, I was always worried that after I had my first child, there wouldn't be anything left to look forward to, but I was SO wrong! Now, I'm just excited about living life! I look forward to each day and all of the exciting possibilities for my sweet family's future.

The following is a verse that I am holding on to right now, and reminding myself daily of. This is something that has really been on my heart lately, that I am working on.

Eph 4:29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come
out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

LOVE this journey I'm on! Couldn't ask for anything more! :)


  1. Love it, Momma. You're awesome. I totally know what you mean, too.

  2. Love you Bailey girl! :) Well said and inspiring - AND makes me MISS you lots, so we need to fix that soon :)



"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony." Gandhi