Monday, June 14, 2010

Target Trip 6/14

So, I am going to just go ahead and admit that I have become slightly (extremely) addicted to..... COUPONING!

So, here is my trip from this morning. This is what I bought.....
And this is what I spent and saved....

Here is the breakdown....

*Vanish Drop-Ins, originally $2.14 ea

I had (2) B1G1 manufacturer coupons and (2) B1G1 Target coupons= 4 FREE

*Clean & Clear, originally $6.49, on sale for $2

I had (2) $2 off manufacturer coupons= 2 FREE

*Dove Deodorant, originally $3.49, on sale buy 1, get 1 dove mist FREE

I had (2) $2 off manufacturer coupons & (2) $1 off Target coupons= 2 FREE & 2 for .49 ea

**Total spent= $1.05 including tax

**Total saved= $38.67

Not bad for my first couponing experience, huh?? :)


  1. Yeah!!!!! I am so proud of you, I am going to Target this afternoon, and I am totally going to copy you :)

  2. good job sis I have a friend who has a blog that you might want to check out it is called The Fugal Muse. It has lots of money saving tips!


"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony." Gandhi